Things to Know

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18 years old, Puerto rican, attractive, smart

Friday, September 19, 2008

A man who is what he should be.

I am an avid fan of Ayn Rand, the author of The Fountainhead, Anthem, and Atlas Shrugged. She herself has created a philosophy called Objectivism. Objectivism: Philos. One of several doctrines holding that reality is objective and external to the mind and that knowledge is reliably based on observed phenomena. An emphasis on objective themes in literature and art.

I have currently been reading The Fountainhead and find it to be one of the most educational and inspiring pieces of literature I have ever layed eyes on. Through the story Ayn Rand lays out a foundation of the ideal man through her main character Howard Roark. A man who nobody can quite understand because his work "architectural design" isn't traditional yet isn't modern. She also displays him as a man who isn't influenced by the ideas or viewpoints of others and knows exactly what he wants.

He is a man who does things the way he wants to and if it isn't exactly how he plans it, he refuses to do it. A man who works for himself.

Howard Roark, in the eyes of Ayn Rand and the audience, is " The noble soul par excellence.The man as man should be. The self-sufficient,self-confident, the end of ends, the reason unto himself, the joy of living personified. Above all--the man who lives for himself, as living for oneself should be understood. And who triumphs completely. A man who is who he should be.
Again this is the same idea as parents would tell their children when growing up. Be yourself and don't be influenced by what the other kids have done or are doing. In this case, nobody influences the decisions Howard Roarks makes. He simply does what he does because he can and wants to.

Howard Roark is the ideal man.