Things to Know

My photo
18 years old, Puerto rican, attractive, smart

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Egotistical my Ass

Matter of fact this is exactly how I'm feeling right now when it comes to dance here @ MCLA. I know that there are a lot of good dancers and i know that if I want to reach my personal goal, I have to be better than good, i have to be the best. People view this type of mentality as "being troublesome for no reason," taking arrogance to another level or so and so. If that's so, then Mo'tivated's Blog Real vs Real, just proves that I can have that mentality. Why not try to be better than the rest and show it. Is this world so stuck on "we are all the same" that a simple dancer can't even fathom the thought of being the greatest there ever was. Babe Ruth was considered the greatest there ever was. Muhammud Ali was considered the greatest their ever was and he was a shit talker. But now with new talent and competition always emerging from every part of the globe, I always have to be one step ahead of the best. I want to make a name for myself and stop being told to "dumb it down" with the ego. If I'm egotistical then it's for a good reason. If you can't reach for the stars, become one.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Women are the Perfect Art.

Women are often portrayed as the Beauty of God in Bliblical mentionings and religious ceremonial rituals. The Like-ness of man but not of man. In ancient Greece, Aphrodite was infact a women, a symbol of compassion, love, and deepest desire. Davinci's greatest materpiece, The Mona Lisa, was his defined portrayal of the perfect art. The planet itself is called "Mother Earth," because the belief that life sprung from the womb of nothingness. Every aspect of life is in some relation with women, whether it be Human, materialistic. The truth is nothing we do can be possible without a "Women's Touch."
dedicated to Monique's not perfect but whatever
love ya

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Metaphysics: One essence to Ayn Rand's Objectivism

1. Metaphysics: "Reality, the external world, exist independent of man's consciousness, independent of any observer's knowledge, beliefs, feelings, desires and fears. This means that A is A, facts are facts, that things are what they are-- and that the task of man's consciousness is to percieve reality, not to create or invent it." Thus Objectuvism rejects any belief in the supernatural-- and any claim that individuals or groups create their own reality.

2.Esthetics: " Art is a selective re-creation of reality according to an artist's metaphysical value-judgments." The purpose of art is to concretizethe artist's fundamental view of existence. Ayn Rand described her own approach to art as "Romantic Realism"; "I am Realistic in the sense that I place them here and now and on earth." The goal of Ayn Rand's novels is not didactic but artistic: the projection of an ideal man: "My purpose, first cause and prime mover is the portrayal of Howard or John Galt or Hank Reardan or Francisco d'Ancomia as an end in himself--not as a means to any further end."

I have no Influence

I bet that the title is a little misleading. I am influenced by everything around me. It's part of my constant need to fit into a world that degrades the Human Ego. The world only values the ideas of those who created them when the world was in search and need of art and expression. Not to be influenced by those around you is hard. People are always to trying to impress someone or get approval from someone superior so they use traditional methods and just tend to modify it. They never try to create their own works of art based on how they see fit not by how others around them see fit.

The idea to work for oneself is the idea that you choose what you do for work, how you do it and not allowing any outside opinions, habits, traditions or influences to determine how you view your work. To truly love the work you do you must love the earth in which you mold your piece, mankind and the capabililties in which they possess, the very fabric in which you choose to use as your canvus, the tools that allow you to continue through the functions of your work and you must love yourself.

Society views the "Ego" as the negative aspect of human behavior. What they fail ito realize is that the "Ego," there fore the individual is the most important in a society that uses mob mentality. We live in a world that bases itself off of traditions and religion and the beliefs and opinions that only reflect a group. But if an "Ego" does appear, the world doesn't know how to deal with him. They reject his work. They plot against it.

to be continued

Friday, September 19, 2008

A man who is what he should be.

I am an avid fan of Ayn Rand, the author of The Fountainhead, Anthem, and Atlas Shrugged. She herself has created a philosophy called Objectivism. Objectivism: Philos. One of several doctrines holding that reality is objective and external to the mind and that knowledge is reliably based on observed phenomena. An emphasis on objective themes in literature and art.

I have currently been reading The Fountainhead and find it to be one of the most educational and inspiring pieces of literature I have ever layed eyes on. Through the story Ayn Rand lays out a foundation of the ideal man through her main character Howard Roark. A man who nobody can quite understand because his work "architectural design" isn't traditional yet isn't modern. She also displays him as a man who isn't influenced by the ideas or viewpoints of others and knows exactly what he wants.

He is a man who does things the way he wants to and if it isn't exactly how he plans it, he refuses to do it. A man who works for himself.

Howard Roark, in the eyes of Ayn Rand and the audience, is " The noble soul par excellence.The man as man should be. The self-sufficient,self-confident, the end of ends, the reason unto himself, the joy of living personified. Above all--the man who lives for himself, as living for oneself should be understood. And who triumphs completely. A man who is who he should be.
Again this is the same idea as parents would tell their children when growing up. Be yourself and don't be influenced by what the other kids have done or are doing. In this case, nobody influences the decisions Howard Roarks makes. He simply does what he does because he can and wants to.

Howard Roark is the ideal man.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

I am the Dream

This blog is a response to the blog that Mo'tivated had written called Erotic Dreams.

To store a vision in the back of your mind is the action of hiding one's thought. A dream or fantasy isn't any different. When to display that vision, dream or fantasy, you let your most sacred thoughts run careless along the canvas in which you create your art. Might it be paper, dance floor, wood, plaster, metal ect. Another reason why mind readers are considered "Phony." They can't quite grasp the realization of the actual thought. The meaning of the thought, dream, or fantasy. The meaning only comes from the need of an "object"(may it be person or material or an idea)or the lack there of. But when your thoughts and dreams are exploited unto a canvas, your deepest desires, thoughts, goals, and very purpose is also exposed.
What if in fact, our dreams are defined by the need? What is the need influenced by? I strongly believe our dreams can be influenced by one's inner qualities. The positive qualities which suggest our character, personality, thoughts and motivations. The negative qualities which also influence these certain aspects of oursleves.
In old Roman Catholic beliefs, each being has 7 holy virtues and 7 deadly sins which one can commit. The virtues being that of Chastity, Abstinence, temperance, diligence, patience, kindness, and humilty. The 7 deadly sins being that of envy, greed, lust, gluttony,wrath,sloth, and pride. Each virtue and sin affect the qualities which define the desire within a dream.
Some might say that the dream or image that we get when we sleep plays like a movie except through your eyes. I have never really had a dream where i can see myself as a bodily figure walking through the scenarios of the dream. I am usually looking at a dream the same way that i see during the day. which isn't important right now because i'm focusing on a bigger topic.
Erotic dreams fulfill the subconscious desire or need for sex which can be influenced by the sin of lust. Erotic sex dreams about a neighbors spouse fulfills the need for sex through lust and envy. You know you can not have your neighbors spouse but you want them. Therefore the thought is held in your subconscience only to be active later when your subconscience is at it's peak. It's peak is when you can invision the thought when your awake and conveying to an audience through a canvus. Might the canvus be through words, art, or action. First the thought of the sin, then the dream, then the word, art or action.
Long story short our dreams are our deepest desires defined by the sin or virtue that satisfies the need.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

The Break Down of The Dawn

Chapter 113
Al-Falaq: The Dawn
The Holy Qur'an

This surah from the muslim transcript is one of my favorite pieces of written work. Read the Surah the read my analysis on it.

In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful
1. Say: I seek refuge in the Lord of the dawn,
2. From the evil of that which he has created,
3. And from the evil of intense darkness, when it comes,
4. And from the evil of those who cast (evil suggestions) in firm resolution,
5. And from the evil of the envier when he envies.

The Dawn represents the daybreak, signicantly a representation of the cleaving through the darkness. The Lord of the dawn is the gradual manisfestation of the truth and it's ultimate triumph after it had been revealed.

The last three verses signified the judgment and consideration of one's affairs to another. There fore creating a sense of envy. The wanting of what another has. This also suggest that one works for what he gets and success will be more glorious when achieved properly.

The intense darkness is the inner wantings of another who manipulates to achieve ,"evil suggestion."

Eating Peanut Butter

Five years ago, I was dragged into the faith of Islam when my family and I began attending Mosque # 13. Islam taught me to be more appreciative of other religions and make me a better individual. Although I never enjoyed going to the mosque and I was always doing the opposite of what the faith required. In fact I hated the faith. But in spite of my dislike for the Islam at first, I’ve tried to understand and love this religion that others may call peace.
This sect of Islam is called The Nation of Islam. It has the basic principles of that of the Suni or Shiite tribes, but target the minority or oppressed people of America. Some important people have come from the Nation of Islam; Malcom X, Louis Farrakhan, and Elijah Muhummad. Knowing this, it felt kind of good to be involved in Islam. I was proud but I still disagreed with a lot of the beliefs.
Muhammad’s Mosque # 13 is a little building that can hold about 200 people and is located in Springfield, Massachusetts. Because of my unwillingness at first to go to mosque, my mother deprived me of free time with my friends. This made me want to jump off a bridge into a pile of clams.
My personal beliefs never used to mix well with Mosque # 13. My Minister’s ideas bothered me. His lectures were mostly about how we all have some purpose in life and one given fate depending on how we live are life. I know that’s not what the Nation was about at all. It’s about following in the way of Allah through the methods given to us by the prophet Muhummad written in the Holy Qu’ran. I never cared for what he said anyway. I think that statement could also apply to the other members that mysteriously disappeared or did not attend the Mosque regularly. At times, there would only be 6 people that attended a night meeting out of the 70 people that were considered active participants in the Mosque. I was kind of ashamed and felt that everyone who didn’t attend was Hypocritical. I was one to talk.
My mother said, “If you don’t have God, then you have nothing at all.” As a person who likes to live life day by day with no concern about Heaven or Hell, I tended to accept that there was a God and that he loved me for living. At home my mother insisted that I do my five daily prayers, which is one of the five pillars of Islam. I would go into my room and set up the carpet in front of my mom and close the door. Then I would sit on my prayer rug and read the next five issues of my favorite video game magazine. Instead of finding time for God, I read codes and cheats for some of the hottest games on the market.
I nearly gave up on what little faith I had completely when I first found out there were dietary restrictions. While attending Mosque # 13, I read two manuals. The How to Eat to Live volumes were two books that contained information about foods I could or couldn’t consume. They stated that peanut butter is unhealthy for the digestive system because it takes too long to process. I didn’t believe this was true because I ate peanut butter all the time and it never slowed me down. I loved peanut butter. I ate so much peanut butter it flowed quicker than water through my body. Not eating peanut butter was just another idea I threw away in the deepest dungeons of my mind where all other stupid thoughts are stored away. It’s like the trash can that you see on computer desktops. Don’t like an idea, throw it away, but always be able to bring it back up again. The whole idea that there was a restriction on food at all was ridiculous because no one should tell a person how much of what they can eat. If a person wants to indulge himself in Hometown Buffet and eat all the onion rings and chicken he can, then who is to stop him.
I continued to eat the foods that I was required not to eat. Slowly I noticed a change in my physical behavior. I started getting sick off of all the junk food I was eating. Pork and Chinese food in general were among some of the reasons for this. I’d also gotten slower and my reflexes weren’t so slick, which is exactly what the dietary manuals had mentioned would happen. I was gaining weight which didn’t look to good on the swim team either. And let’s face it, playing football after eating fried chicken is not the brightest thing a person can do. After all this I decided to change my eating habits. I now do not consume light bread, collard greens, salmon, caviar, pancakes, fried chicken, chips, and beverages with food coloring in them, and pork.
All the emphasis that was put into my studies and prayer also had an effect on what I thought about the faith. The more I was forced to study the more I actually wanted to study. It was interesting to learn how Adam and Eve were not the first people on the planet, but the first sinners. They were the first to deviate from the original people. It seemed that no matter how hard I tried to resist the fact that I actually needed this faith in my life, it never seemed to satisfy me with success. Finally, I came to the realization: Why fight it?
Also, my ideas about prayer and faith started transforming completely from semi-agnostic to semi-orthodox (as if). When praying in a peaceful mindset with no distractions, I now feel closer to a supreme being in which the minister would call Allah (God). I actually enjoyed having a one on one relationship with god through prayer. Islam began to have a positive impact on me.
Through all the disagreements and fast food sicknesses I finally accepted the faith of Islam. Change isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Although it took me a whole 3 years to actually get used to this new lifestyle, it was actually quick enjoyable. Not that I’m saying that Islam is all fun and games, it’s just that I rejected it without giving it a second thought to it. The same happens to one person from another. You don’t really know a person until you give him a chance right? So, even though I eat what is required now, the one thing I refuse to compromise is my eternal love for peanut butter.

Monday, September 15, 2008

A random Blog Post about Myself

Choosing a name for me became more of a hassle than an actual privilege. Yet, Kenny seemed like a reasonable appellation. After my birth in the city of Springfield, where nonsense roamed the streets, my mother decided to pack our things and move to Holyoke, Mass. The birthplace of Volleyball became my home for the first 10 years of my life. My family later moved to Chicopee then decided that Holyoke was just a better living environment.
My name means, “Born of Hell-Fire,” and “Handsome” in old Scottish tongue. I never knew this until I researched it for my fourth grade class assignment. I attended Marcella Kelly Elementary School between the ages of six and twelve. My current occupation as a full-time student in MCLA constantly reminds me of my elementary education and how I have changed over the years.
As a child, I thought the world fought against me. I believed that my teachers also fought against me. As if they never wanted to see me succeed. I thought I did things the right way when writing and my teachers totally disagreed. They constantly critiqued my work and sometimes discredited my work as Under the Standard.
Now I know that my teachers only cared to improve my writing skills not degrade them. Now, as a student majoring in the Fine and Performing Arts, I use my writing as an art form. To express myself within the world of artistic abilities is my goal. The arts fulfill me. I dance to relieve stress and feel comfortable in front of crowds. I sing and write to express my inner thoughts and emotions. Also, I play drums because I can. Art is my verb.
I enjoy eating. The fact that my body can consume any material that is fit for the human anatomy makes me happy. I love observing the texture and the quality of a well made dinner. I love eating out at fast-food shops; especially McDonalds, Burger King and Wendy’s. I also enjoy eating at restaurants like Olive Garden and Mr. Hyde’s.
I was given this assignment to write about myself in a 500 word essay with out using the “To be” verbs. This assignment couldn’t have come at a better time. I didn’t think I could nail it. This assignment became very difficult when I started running out of things to say about myself. Of course, my instructor did state that this one particular assignment would test me and my ability as a writer. I didn’t believe her. I kind of just disregarded what she had said during that one class. My mind went wondering like a students mind tends to do. So, now it seems that I could only write things that have no importance in this essay. Great assignment professor.
In my pursuit to write about myself in an essay with out using the “To be” verbs, I have gained a skill that could be useful in any future assignment.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Britney Spears Deserves The stage

Congratulations to Britney Spears for a successful run in the VMA's last night. Although Britney did not in fact open up with a performance, she did open up the VMA's by announcing the presence of VMA host Russell Brand. That's not really why I'm congratulating her of course. We are honoring Britney's successful run in the year of 2008. Britney won three moonmen for her nomination of Best Pop Video, Best Female Artist, and Video of the Year. With the continueing success through the year of 2008, there is still one question we all have to ask. Does the accepting of three moonmen for the three top catagories in the 2008 VMA's really count as a comeback.
We all know that Britney has had a pretty rough year with the break up between her and Federline, the custody hearings and the constant negative publicity, but we slowly noticed that she has started to put the pieces of her puzzled life back together. She is getting back into shape. Her body was almost flawless at lastnights VMA's. She had the sexy toned legs, hard prison sculpted abs, [exaggeration], the hair seems to be growing back and she looked pretty sober. Her appearence is in good shape but what about the performance.
Will Britney ever hit the VMA stage again after that shipwreck of a performance she pulled at last years VMA's? The answer is "maybe." She will have to prove to the harsher critics and the fans that she can perform again. She now has to show any audience that she can be better than she has ever been before she had "The Meltdown." Most childstars, when their careers go down the drain, tend to just exist as has beens or wash up. Britney Spears could have been in that catagory but she did something different. She took responsibility and grew the fuck up. She realized that performing is her job and the audience and fans are her main boss. Most of the time when an employee does something that deserves to get them fired, the boss fires them. But the masses have spoken. With a name as big as hers, who really wants to see Britney look like shit? Nobody really. She can gain the priviledge of performing on the VMA stage again but it will take some more time.
All in all, as long as she stays family orientated and concentrated on balancing her "job" with her family life, britney can have a comeback. Despite the negative publicity towards her latest album, it wasn't actually critiqued negatively on quality. Infact, there is a reason why Britney still keeps the title as Princess of Pop. Her "Piece of Me" single was 1 on the charts for several weeks and did quiet well in relation to her record sales.
I can proudly say that Britney is slowly gaining my respect and attention once more. She still has a way to go.

Super Crew vs. Jabbawockeez

Randy Jackson presents America's Best Dance Crew has become one of the most watched competitive dance shows that MTV has had the privilege to ever have on air. It pits crews from all over the country in challenges that tests their creativity, choreography, athletic ability, concept receptive skills and their determination to be the best. We have successfully completed two seasons and the next can only get hotter.
The real reason this blog is being written is because we all ask this one question or at least have thought about it once. If you face off Jabbawockeez [winners of season one] and Super Crew [winners of season two] in a crew vs. crew battle, who would everyone think would be victorious and what crew would look like they didn't deserve the title of America's Best Dance Crew.
Well in the red corner, you have Jabbawockeez. This group has a variety of different dancers in their crew making them very diverse. Their style is mostly smooth, intricate, and collective with some influence of Krump and Breakin. Their executions of each routine were very close to perfect and they always seemed to notice that they had an audience. With performances like the "Evolution of Hip-Hop" and the Micheal Jackson theme challenge, they easily dominated and stole the show. With a crew already considered the sickest crew to ever hit season one audition, the theatrical mask just added a sense of competitiveness that also had a vibe of mystery as well. Jabbawockeez are definitely the crew to beat. They have set the bars to the highest standard making it very difficult for any proceeding crew to step up to the level of the first season.
In the blue corner, you have season two victors Super Crew. Super Crew is a group that is completely composed of B-Boys. They all have reputations as the best B-Boys in America and showed it in the very first live audition of season two. The athletic abilities and the energy of every performance left the panel and the audience wanting to see more of them. Unfortunately they have been in the bottom two a record total of three times. Despite the judgment of the viewers that voted, it seemed that Super Crew, no matter how many times they would be in the bottom two, could not lose that easily. There were many issues that were mentioned and then corrected such as that Super Crew lacked choreography. Later it was stated by Lil' Mama that Breakdancing is choreography and the difficulty level is outstanding. It's undeniable that Super Crew can do things that no other crew could have been physically capable of doing. Even with the amount of creativity and originality their season rivals FANNY PAK displayed, Fanny Pak in the end could not cut it. In the final bout with Soreal Crew, Super Crew also showed that they can be intricate and smooth while imitating Soreal crew in the Showdown episode. Their name says it all. They are a Super Crew. "You just shitted on every crew here tonight." Shane, panel judge.
In the end, it is ultimate the decision of the viewers and the people of America to decide who is the better crew. In reality to me, it is almost impossible to judge this battle because each crew is just that damn good. So I am leaving a voting column in my blog and on my page. I would love to see the reponces. If you have any trouble finding the column just hit me up on my blog comments.
Peace, Music, Dance, Love

Obama vs. McCain

This is the biggest battle that we have ever seen to hit the United States in full flesh.
Finally there is a black man who is nominated to become the next president of the untied states. There is also another candidate named Mccain who is appealing to a lot of the older generation and conservatives who are important. But America is looking for change, not the same conservative view points of those who couldn’t get it right the first time.
I will be voting for Barrack Obama this November and not because he is in fact black, but he represents the people. He has experienced what most of urban and working class Americans have experienced. He has lived a life similar to ours but proves that he can rise above the poverty, violence, drugs and nonsense that continue to plague Americans.
Obama gave an excellent speech during the Democratic National Convention. It took place on the anniversary of the Martin Luther King’s “I have a Dream” speech. Critics were expected Obama to go in, tell a little about himself, discuss his goals, and discuss how he plans to accomplish those goals, beat at Mccain, and end it with some acknowledgement of the Anniversary. All the big news networks analyzed his speech and about 95% of the critiques stated that Obama really nailed what he needed to do and made it very clear that he deserved the nomination for presidency. Congrats to Obama.
Obama is a realist. He understands that things can’t be done properly when done quickly. Especially when it comes down to gas and oil demand and the prices sky rocketing out of the roof. He explains that the process in which he has in mind will take approximately ten years and that it is the duty of America as a whole to help with this process. The money that America can save from not drilling can be distributed to businesses to create jobs for people, improve educational institutions and give teachers and professors higher salaries. Also it can help students be able to attend a college without being rejected because their family makes just enough for no aid yet struggle to get groceries when needed. With the balance of new jobs and employees we can then start focusing on developing alternative fuels for our everyday necessities. Hybrid cars are a big factor in that and solar powered energy in houses can also help to improve our lives. But like Obama stated, it will take time, determination to move forward and the help of America.
Obama wants to cut taxes. He stated there is no need to tax the people for the things that our government has done to the economy.
He also has the full support of Bill and Hillary Clinton and you can’t go wrong with that.
I can not vote for Mccain due to the simple fact that he is too much like Bush, only funnier. The man is running for president and uses cheap comedic punch lines to attack the credibility of Barack Obama. He deliberately compared that voting for Obama is like voting for Paris Hilton and Britney Spears to be our president. I believe this was a dumb move. That will not give him votes just because he compares Obama to women who are considered mess-ups in the entertainment industry. Obama is serious. Despite his popularity with many celebrities in the industry, he doesn’t use their names and cheap pop culture jokes to attack his opponent. He does it professionally.
Mccain wants to increase taxes to try to get America out of its deficit. That won’t work. Why have the people pay money for a situation they never got themselves into. Why have the people pay money for a war that half of them never wanted. He plans to continue the surge on the Middle East to insure victory. “I rather lose an election, than to lose a war.” Well, I rather not be a doushbag and just lose the war so that I wouldn’t lose the lives of my fellow citizens and brothers and sisters.
Mccain also made a shitty move by choosing Sarah Palin as his vice president. He thought he could win over the Hillary supporters by choosing a female vice president nominee. Well there is only one problem. Sarah Palin is no Hilary Clinton. Hillary Clinton is a democrat that has ideas that most women in America support. Sarah Palin is a republican governor who ran Alaska. Alaska is the only state that has no democratic influence present.
Biden, Obama’s vice president pick, has republican roots but democratic dreams. This was a strategic move on Obama’s part because he can now appeal to some of the republican voters. Biden has experience and has the support of democrats even though he is a republican.
Ultimately it is up to you, the voters, to vote and decide who you would rather see in office. I can’t tell you who to vote for but I can persuade you.