Things to Know

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18 years old, Puerto rican, attractive, smart

Sunday, November 30, 2008

back to the yoke

It’s funny how I see life here in Holyoke. I thought I would be returning back to something I lost or something I needed. But as I look around this “great city” I realize just how much this city really looks like shit. I see the city council requested that certain buildings be repainted and remodeled. That there is a trash disposal canister on every corner so that way the streets would be cleaner. The side walks look straighter. In all great attempts to make this city look like something it isn’t. This city still leads in polls for teen pregnancy rate. The same bums that I have seen running my corners with their filth and drugs still reside in those very corners. The same niggas that jumped me and broke my jaw are running around free with no fear of anything that could happen to them. The women still like hoodrats and the men haven’t done shit with their lives but more shit. I go to college to get away from this. I am ashamed of where I live. I am ashamed of my hometown.

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